Page 42 - Joel Weiman ASGCA Phase II Application 5 11 2021
P. 42

Representative Program:

           Bethesda Country Club

           7601 Bradley Blvd.     Bethesda, MD 20817

         Working  with  turfgrass  consultant  Steve  McDonald  (no  relation),  our  planning  significantly  shortened  the
         greens’  renovation  construction  window  and  saved  $725,000  by  “freshening”, resurfacing,  and  expanding
         these 25 year old USGA spec surfaces.  007 washed bentgrass sod was installed and bordered with a HGT
         Bluegrass “belt cut” (in place of a traditional bentgrass collar).

         The practicality of our design/build business model lends itself to becoming responsible stewards of our Cli-
         ents’ investment.  My understanding of  construction costs and timelines is a service to our Clients by plan-
         ning our improvements to generate the best return on investment for the dollar spent.

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