Page 163 - The British Big Four
P. 163

Andros Island Scuba Diving

A ndros Island is an archipelago within the Bahamas, the largest North Andros, Mangrove Cay, and South Andros. The three main is-
      of the 26 inhabited Bahamian Islands. Politically considered a lands are separated by “bights”, estuaries that trifurcate the island,
single island, Andros in total has an area greater than all the other connecting the island’s east and west coasts. It is 104 miles (167
700 Bahamian islands combined. The land area of Andros consists km) long by 40 miles (64 km) wide, at the widest point. The land
of hundreds of small islets and cays connected by mangrove es- area is as large as the state of Delaware in the United States.
tuaries and tidal swamp lands, together with three major islands:
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