Page 164 - The British Big Four
P. 164

ndros Island has four airports with paved runways: San Andros      Sound at Great Abaco Island, is a highlight for scuba divers. Andros
                                                                         is the largest of the islands of the Bahamas, in size if not popula-
A Airport at Nicholls Town, Andros Town International Airport            tion. It is 104 miles long by 40 miles wide--2,300 square miles--and
                                                                         features lots of fresh water, beaches, mangrove trees and vast pine
located at Fresh Creek, the Clarence A. Bain Airport at Mangrove         forests. You’d think that would have been a magical combination
Cay and Congo Town Airport in South Andros. Andros Town Inter-           for development, but the island remains rather sleepy even today.
national is an international port of entry for private pilots. The is-   Of course, that’s the great appeal of the island for many visitors.
land is served by multiple daily flights from Nassau by BahamasAir,      Andros remains a quiet getaway, and offers some of the best bone
Western Air, and LeAir. The flight to any of the four airports is 15–25  fishing in the Bahamas to boot. For divers, Andros offers plenty of
minutes. Daily scheduled flights to Nassau from London, Paris, New       thrills including spectacular walls on the Tongue of the Ocean and
York City, Boston, Atlanta, Philadelphia, Houston, Dallas, Jackson-      pulse-pounding shark dives.
ville, Miami, Fort Lauderdale, Palm Beach, Orlando and other ma-
jor cities provide easy connection from Andros to the rest of the        T he barrier reef and the Tongue of the Ocean, together with
world. Regularly scheduled charters provide direct service to An-             mangrove swamps, rocky tidal pools and estuaries, provide
dros Town from Miami and Fort Lauderdale, Florida, mostly offered        breeding and growing habitats for a wide variety of young marine
by Gulfstream International Airlines. Continental Connection offers      life. Andros has a variety of close-to-shore and on-shore ecosystems
seasonal scheduled flights from Fort Lauderdale, operated by Gulf-       that may be unique on Earth: tidal inland and ocean blue holes,
stream for Continental under contract.                                   shallow sand and mud flats, tidal estuaries, mangrove swamps, the
                                                                         pelagic eco-zone of the 6000-foot drop-off only a mile from shore,
A ndros -- Marine life abounds in the barrier reef off the coast         the world’s third-largest barrier reef, and huge freshwater aquifers.
      of Andros, which is one of the world’s largest and a famous        The marine biosphere is fed by both the teeming life of the man-
destination for divers. The reef plunges 1,800m (5,906 ft.) to a nar-    grove marshes and estuaries on the mainland, and the upwelling of
row drop-off known as the Tongue of the Ocean. You can also ex-          cool water from the Tongue of the Ocean, resulting in an unparal-
plore mysterious blue holes, formed when subterranean caves filled       leled variety of sea life.
with seawater, causing their ceilings to collapse and expose clear,
deep pools. Pelican Cays Land and Sea Park (Abacos) -- Known for its
undersea caves, seemingly endless coral reefs, and abundant plant
and marine life, this national park, 13km (8 miles) north of Cherokee
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