Page 168 - The British Big Four
P. 168

he Andros Wall - Called one of greatest of all Bahamas walls,     ardens Dense - Coral, prolific reef and schooling fish

T Gthe Andros Wall begins at 21 - 27 meters/70 - 90 feet and offers
many sites with interesting canyons and boasts unusual life due to
the depth. The Tongue of the Ocean is a 6,000 ft. deep ocean can-     T he Marion - An excellent day or night wreck dive
yon just 1 mile offshore. The wall drops from 140’ where you’ll find

some of the healthiest living deep coral reef in the world. Bring a
dive light (although not necessary with crystal clear water) to cap-
                                                                       ed Shoal - This Bahamas diving site is located west of the U.S.
Rture the awe-inspiring colors that this wall dive has to offer. The   naval base. Red Shoal is a first-rate shallow dive site. Though it

Andros Wall attracts the larger fish, conch and more and is truly one is less than five meters deep, divers will have a grand time looking

of the most unique dives in the Bahamas. The Andros Wall, which at massive, colorful schools of grunts and plenty of deep rusty red

begins where the ocean floor ends, is a vertical drop-off where the elkhorn corals. Red Shoal is named as such because of the color of

continental shelf plummets down to 6,000 feet into the Tongue of the shoal’s elkhorn corals.

the Ocean.
O Lver the Wall - Barrier reef dive with a deep descent over the
       vertical lip of the drop-off                                       ove Hill - Also, less than five meters deep, this Andros Bahamas
                                                                          shallow dive site is situated on the ridge of the W-shaped reef
                                                                      close to Love Hill Beach. Divers will definitely be able to take loads

                                                                      of great photos as they wander around the dive site’s various rain-
E dge of the Wall - Mid-depth dive through the reefs and pinna- bow-colored coral formations such as brain, fan, and elkhorn.
     cles adjacent to the final drop-off
G Eiant Staircase - A series of coral platforms that descend in steps     nd of the Reef - This six-meter dive site is located on the ridge
       toward the ultimate wall                                           of the reef. End of the Reef is ideal for beginners. Its best sell-
                                                                      ing point is Ariel’s Garden – a stunning swim-through pocket that

                                                                      resulted from huge formations of elkhorn coral.
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