Page 167 - The British Big Four
P. 167

umpback whales, which are found in all the world’s oceans,        deep. Beyond the shallow reefs are tiny cays and islets, from which
                                                                         the sea bottom gradually deepens until at a depth of between 70
H follow a regular migration route, summering in temperate and           feet and 120 feet comes “The Wall”, with its plunge 6000 feet into
                                                                         the abyss of the Tongue of the Ocean. Four species of turtles are
polar waters for feeding, and wintering in tropical waters for mat-      found in Andros’ waters: loggerhead, green, hawksbill and, rarely,
ing and calving. Humpbacks used to be common in the Tongue of            the leatherback
the Ocean off Andros, and are still seen infrequently. Pilot whales
are also seen off the coast of Andros. Inside the Andros Barrier Reef,
staghorn, elkhorn and other corals are found in shallows 10–20 feet

Andros Island Dive Sites

W recks The best wreck dive I ever did on Andros was the Poto-           at a depth of 12 meters/40 feet and then descend down an ancient
          mac in only about 20 feet of water. While storms have scoured  waterfall chute and passing under a swim-through called the sky
her of much coral or sponge decoration in recent years, this steam-      light room. The big room is next on the tour and here you can look
ship is still a fascinating look at maritime history. Located near the   down into the infinite depths of the hole. The Andros Blue Holes are
channel leading into Coconut Bay, portions of the Potomac jut out        tidal freshwater blue holes which are unique in the world. South
of the water at low tide. On the other side of the island, nearer Small  Andros Island offers the highest concentration of Blue Holes in the
Hope Bay, the work barge Marion rests in 70 feet of water and is pa-     world. Blue Holes can be found both inland and offshore and can
trolled by friendly groupers that greet divers on descent.               reach depths of 400’. Blue Holes were formed during the last ice
                                                                         age when ocean levels were 300-400’ lower than current levels. The
B lue Holes Andros is riddled with both terrestrial and oceanic          combination of rainwater and eventually seawater eroded the lime-
      blue holes, a complement to the many cavern dives found here       stone foundation of the island and created these spectacular cav-
as well. Stargate, Guardian Blue Hole, Big Blue Hole, Little French-     erns in a variety of shapes and sizes.
man and Uncle Charlie’s Blue Hole are among the most popular blue
holes dived in and off Andros. The Great Blue Hole is the second
deepest blue hole in the Bahamas. You’ll be guided to the entrance
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