Page 120 - Visitor Guides
P. 120
St. Georges
World Heritage Site
World Heritage Site
are the graves of many slaves and free Blacks, including Pilot Black St. Georgians
James Darrell (see Hermit’s Court, below). Notable graves else-
where in the churchyard include those of Midshipman Dale, Gov- In the year prior to Emancipation in 1834, almost half of Black
ernor George James Bruere and Governor Sir Richard Sharples. In Bermudians in St. George’s Parish were free, the highest pro-
2012, in honour of St Peter’s 400th anniversary, Her Majesty The portion in Bermuda. In 1833, Black St. Georgians purchased
Queen, celebrating her Diamond Jubilee, granted the church the or were given 23 houses within the Town of St. George. These
Royal title ‘Their Majesties Chappell’, a term first used during the Black-owned buildings were located throughout the Town, indi-
reign of King William and Queen Mary. cating a greater degree of integration than found elsewhere on
the Island.
‘Michell House
The new St. Peter’s Banner and Flag
St. George’s Historical Society
Museum, Printery & Garden
‘Stewart Hall ’
Duke of Kent Street
5 Queen Street
The historic ’Mitchell House’
Built before 1707, ‘Stewart Hall’
contains fine 18th century cedar
was the home of the prominent lo- furniture, paintings and Bermuda
cal architect and merchant, Walter artefacts.
Mitchell. However, it is named af- 297-0423
ter a later owner, Solicitor-General
and Attorney General, Duncan
Stewart (circa 1850s) even though
he never lived there. Now owned
by the Bermuda National Trust it is
home to the Bermuda Perfumery. To the rear of the property is a
wonderful garden, which is open to the public and which features ‘Whitehall
above ground water tanks. 12 Duke of Clarence Street
Probably the largest house in St.
‘Hermit’s Court ’ George’s, ‘Whitehall’ was built in
(Pilot Darrell House and Square) 5 Aunt Peggy’s Lane 1815 by John Van Norden while he
was Mayor of St. George’s. Broad
Pilot James ’Jemmy’ Darrell was
Alley originally ran through the
one of the first Black Bermudians
property but Mayor Van Norden
to own property. A former slave,
rerouted the public road around
he was granted his freedom,
the property to keep his privacy. A
recommended by Admiral George
later Mayor of the Town, Robert Harley James, added the
Murray, in recognition of his skill in
impressive Edwardian verandah and entry stairs.
piloting the HMS Resolution
private residence
through the Narrows Channel in
1795. Admiral Murray later established the King’s Pilots and
Darrell was one of the first to be appointed. Darrell’s memorial is
located in St. Peter’s Churchyard.
private residence
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