Page 123 - Visitor Guides
P. 123

St. Georges
             World Heritage Site
             World Heritage Site
                   Peppercorn Ceremony                                    visit a number of Bermuda National Trust buildings which are not
                                                                          normally open to the public. The event is free and musicians and
                             The Peppercorn Ceremony is an                carol singers entertain visitors in King’s Square.
                             annual event held in April on the
                             Wednesday closest to St. George’s
                             Day, when the members of Lodge               Annual Commemorative Service for
                             St. George pay their annual rent              King’s Pilot James ‘Jemmy’ Darrell
                             (a single peppercorn) for the use of
           the State House. Preceded by a 17-gun salute, the Governor,                     In honour of his skill and dedication
           dressed in full regalia, arrives in a horse drawn carriage and                  to his work, Pilot ‘Jemmy’ Darrell is
           inspects a military guard of honour before accepting his rent.                  remembered in an annual ceremony
           The Bermuda Regiment performs close order drills in King’s                      each April at his grave in St. Peter’s
           Square to the accompaniment of music from the band of the                       Graveyard. Turn to page 11 for more
           Bermuda Regiment.                                                               information on this outstanding

                    Midshipman Dale
                 Remembrance Ceremony

           Midshipman Richard Sutherland Dale
           served in the U.S. Navy and  was
           wounded off the coast of Bermuda
           fighting the British in 1812. Captured
           by the British, he was compassionately cared for               Bermuda’s beaches are some of the most beautiful
           by the people of St. George’s. Unfortunately he died of his
           wounds and was the last victim of the War of 1812. Dale was    in the world. Those within the World Heritage
           buried with honours at St. Peter’s Church and for many years a   Site are easily accessible.
           ceremony was held at the gravesite on America’s Memorial Day.
           Today, the Friends of St. Peter’s sponsor a yearly memorial service         Tobacco Bay
           in February in honour of Midshipman Dale.
                                                                                            A 10-15 minute walk up Duke of
                                                                                            Kent Street and over the hill to the
                  Christmas Walkabout
                                                                                            north shore brings you to one of the
                             The Bermuda National Trust’s Christ-                           more popular beaches in St.
                             mas Walkabout is a highlight of the                            George’s. The unusual limestone
                             local holiday calendar. On the first                           formations off the shoreline are a
                             Friday of December, come to the                                haven for parrot fish, sergeant ma-
                             Town of St. George where you can             jors, blue angels, four-eyed butterfly fish and wrasse and an excel-
                                                                          lent snorkelling spot. Because of its shallow waters, this sheltered
                                Cultural Activities continued...

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