Page 127 - Visitor Guides
P. 127

St. Georges
             World Heritage Site
             World Heritage Site
           published in 1626. Rebuilt in the 1790s, the Keep served as bar-                Forts
           racks in the 1800s, and was home to a local family from 1870 until
           1922, when the property was returned to the Bermuda Govern-             NOT OPEN TO THE PUBLIC:
               Forts of St. Davids Island

           To see more, travel to St. David’s Island staying on
           St. David’s Road to the end (five-minute ride). Head
           straight on to Great Bay Road and after 250 yards
           take a right turn onto Battery Road. St. David’s
           Battery is at the end, in the picturesque Great Head
           Park, and Fort Popple is a short walk on.

                                                                          You’ll see many other forts in the vicinity of the
                       Fort Popple     9
                                                                          Town and on islands in St. George’s Harbour and
           When Alured Popple became Governor in 1738, he found  crum-    Castle Harbour, which are not accessible to the
           bling masonry, broken gun carriages and rusting guns at most   public. Most significant are:
           of Bermuda’s forts. Governor Popple energetically refortified the
           Island by repairing the existing defences and building several
           new forts, including the small fort at Little Head, St. David’s. It was   King’s Castle   11
           named Fort Popple in his honour. Fort Popple’s position, close to
           the sea, made it unsuitable for further development but, in the                 King’s Castle (1612) is located on
           early 1900s, a searchlight was placed on the flat behind the fort.              Castle Island and is Bermuda’s oldest
           Walk the nature trails in the splendid natural setting of Little Head           fort, with a Captain’s House added
           Park, St. David’s and enjoy the breathtaking ocean views from Fort              in 1621. It is believed to be the
           Popple, situated at the water’s edge of the rocky St. David’s coast.            oldest standing English house in the
                                                                                           New World.

                 St. David’s Battery        10
                                                                                 Fort Cunningham         8
                              St. David’s Battery (1910) was the
                              last major fortification to be built in                      Fort Cunningham (1870s) is located
                              the vicinity of St. George’s. The two                        on Paget Island and has a unique
                              major British breech-loading guns                            iron frontage. This was so expensive
                              of the early 1900s situated side-by-                         to build that a question was raised
                              side  in  the  batteries  make                               about it in the British Parliament, “Is
                              St. David’s Battery one of the world’s                       it made of gold?”
           most important British historic military sites. The 9.2-inch breech-
           loading guns at the southern end of the Battery had a range of
           approximately seven miles and could have stopped an enemy                Fort William      4
           vessel well short of the Island. But they were never fired in anger   Constructed in the early 1600s by Richard Moore, the first
           and, because of complaints from civilians living nearby, were sel-
                                                                          Governor of Bermuda, Fort William was built to protect the Town
           dom fired even in practice! Nearby Fort Popple affords breathtak-
                                                                          of St. George. Fort William had an inner keep or a fort house with
           ing ocean views.
                                                                          three floors and surrounded by a dry moat.

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