Page 122 - Visitor Guides
P. 122

St. Georges
             World Heritage Site
             World Heritage Site
                                                                                  Cultural Activities
                       Bridge House
                          1 Bridge Street

                               Built shortly after 1700, Bridge
                               House is one of the Town’s most
                               picturesque buildings. This was
                               the home of Governor, Benjamin
                               Bennett and later of Bridger
                               Goodrich, a Virginian loyalist,
                               whose privateers once blockaded
                               Chesapeake Bay,  much to the
           annoyance of U.S. President Thomas Jefferson.Lower floor is now
           the home of the Bermuda National Gallery East

            Bermudian Heritage Museum
                                                                                 Historical Activities
               Junction of Duke of York and Water Streets
                                                                          Re-enactments and Guided Tours
                               The first fully exhibited Black
                               History Museum of Bermuda,
                               located in the historic Samaritans’

             St. David’s Island Historical
                                                                          Check with your nearest VIC or hotel concierge for a list of
                 Society at Carter House
                                                                          current historical activities, dates and times.
                  34 Southside Road, St. David’s Island

                               Built in the 17th century by the de-
                               scendants of Christopher Carter,
                               who was wrecked on Bermuda in               St. George’s Olde Towne Market
                               the  Sea Venture in 1609, and re-
                               mains today largely in its original                         Experience an old European-style
                               form. It is now the museum of the                           street market of yesteryear. Explore
                               St. David’s Island Historical Society                       the hidden treasures along Water
                                                                                           Street while enjoying local foods, arts
                               where the culture and history of
                                                                                           and crafts, fresh local produce and a
                               the unique people of St David’s is
                                                                                           pedlars' market.
           exhibited. Nestled next to Carter House amongst endemic and
           native plants and trees as well as Bermuda mystery roses, is a replica   Check with your nearest VIC or hotel concierge for date and
           settlers' dwelling, c. 1612, built using the  same English tech-  time.
           niques, 17th century tools and local materials, including a Palmetto
           thatched roof—a 400th anniversary project.

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