Page 124 - Visitor Guides
P. 124
St. Georges
World Heritage Site
World Heritage Site
bay is perfect for families and inexperienced swimmers. A snack Historic Cemeteries
bar and facilities are available in the summer months and a mini-
bus is available from King’s Square.
Gates’ Bay and Achilles Bay
Located on the eastern flank of Fort
St. Catherine, Gates’ Bay, also com-
monly referred to as St. Catherine’s
Beach, is the largest beach in St.
George’s. It is also the historic land-
ing spot on which the shipwrecked
survivors of the Sea Venture
stepped foot. Achilles Bay is a small bay found on the western
flank of Fort St. Catherine with a restaurant and bar .
St. Peter’s Churchyard
Whalebone Bay St. Peter’s Churchyard closed in the
mid-19th century and other ceme-
Located in Ferry Point Park, this teries were established around the
sheltered, shallow bay is part of one
Town for the local population and
the Island’s largest national parks,
the British Military, who maintained
which contains a number of historic
a garrison in the Town.
fortifications and great hiking trails.
Notable graves at St. Peter’s are
Midshipman R.S. Dale, who died as a prisoner of war in St.
George’s in 1815, slave pilot Jemmy Darrell and Ann Bingham,
Clearwater Beach and Turtle Bay the ’Jackie Kennedy’ of the American Revolution whose bust is
featured on early U.S. coins. Besides Midshipman Dale, it is be-
Located on St. David’s Island, the lieved that 14 other American prisoners of war are interred in the
spaciousness of these two sandy Churchyard. There are only two modern graves in this cemetery:
beaches are ideal for families. The Governor Sir Richard Sharples and his ADC, Captain Hugh Sayers,
36-acre public park features nature who were murdered in 1973.
trails, playground equipment and
views of some outer islands re-
served for wildlife. A restaurant and Secretary Road Cemetery
bar is open during the summer months.
Located on Cemetery Hill and adja-
cent to the current local cemetery,
this cemetery was used by the Brit-
Cooper’s Island Nature Reserve
ish Military from the mid-19th cen-
Just beyond Clearwater Beach and tury until the early 20th century.
Turtle Bay you enter the Cooper’s Here lies the grave of George Sam-
Island Nature Reserve and even son, who won the Victoria Cross at
more stunning beaches such as Gallipoli in the First World War. His funeral in February 1923 was
Long Bay… Bermuda treasures the largest military interment ever held in Bermuda. Many of the
for sure! memorials are of intricate design, while some contain inscriptions
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