Page 152 - Hawaii: Diving, Surfing, Pearl Harbor, Volcanoes and More
P. 152
Kauai Guide Map
NA PALI COAST There are four ways to see the Na Pali Coast, which head is left of the parking lot, at mile marker 17 between the museum
is amongst the world’s most spectacular and rugged coastlines: First and Kalalau Lookout. The trail drops 1600 feet through native forests
is an arduous, but unforgetable hike by foot on the Kalalau Trail (see to a thin precipice at the very edge of the Na Pali cliffs for a dramatic
details on side 2 of map); Second is via a relaxing boat cruise out of view of the tropical valleys and blue Pacific 1/2 mile below. The hike
Port Allen, Hanalei or Waimea; Third is by helicopter, for one of the back to the trailhead is all uphill.
best rides of your life; and Fourth, is via a very demanding kayak tour,
in which you will become very acquainted with this fabulous scenery. State Park Campgrounds (808) 274-3444:
Words are inadequate to describe the beauty of the Na Pali Coast. Polihale State Park
Milolii State Park
NA PALI COAST STATE PARK Established in 1984, Na Pali Coast Kalalau State Park
State Park includes a 22-mile coastline of beaches, valleys, waterfalls, Hanakoa
and 4000 foot-high cliffs that wrap around the northwest shore of Hanakapiai
Kauai between Kee Beach and Polihale State Park. Volcanic in ori- County Park Campgrounds (808) 241-6660:
gin, carved by wind and sea, the cliffs (“na pali” in Hawaiian), which Haena Beach Co. Park
heaved out of the ocean floor 5 million years ago, stand as constant Hanalei (Black Pot Beach) Co. Park
reminders of majesty and endurance. There are five major valleys in- Anini Beach Co. Park
cluding Hanakapiai, Kalalau, Honopu, Awaawapuhi, Nualolo, and an Hanamaulu Beach Co. Park
ancient footpath, the Kalalau Trail, winds through this remote and Niumalu Beach Co. Park
spectacular 6,500-acre park, ultimately leading to Kalalau Valley.
KOKEE STATE PARK This wonderful 4,345 acre, rain forest park
KALALAU LOOKOUT Beyond Kokee State Park almost to the end at 3600 ft.+ elevation, is full of native plants (mokihana berry, ohia,
of Hwy. 550 is a viewpoint that is 4000 feet above sea level. This is one lehua tree, and iliau) and imports (Australia’s eucalyptus and Califor-
of the most breath-taking and spectacular views in the world. Lush nia’s coastal redwood), along with pigs, goats and deer. The rain forest
and fluted knife-edged cliffs rise above Kalalau Valley from the beau- and breathtaking views of the Na Pali coastline and Waimea Canyon
tiful sea along the Na Pali Coast. This is a great spot to listen to the will make the drive worthwhile. This is the place for hiking among the
silence and enjoy a picnic. 45 miles of maintained trails, which are some of the best hikes in Ha-
waii. See side 2 for a zoom-in view of Kokee State Park and it’s trails.
AWAAWAPUHI TRAIL This challenging 6.5 miles round-trip leads
to a million-dollar view. Go early before the clouds roll in. The trail-