Page 153 - Hawaii: Diving, Surfing, Pearl Harbor, Volcanoes and More
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KOKE’E NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM Visit well-designed dis- long. One of Hawaii’s most impressive natural wonders, the can-
plays of the flora, fauna, natural history, and artifacts of Hawaii and the yon was created by water forces flowing down off of Mt. Waialeale,
Kokee area. Open 10am to 4pm daily. (808) 325-9975 Official trail the wettest place on earth. Canyon views are available from several
maps of all the park’s trails are for sale at the museum store. well marked lookouts along Waimea Canyon Drive (Hwy 550) from
Waimea town. The alternative route of Kokee Road (Hwy 552) begins
BEYOND POLIHALE This is the official beginning of the Na Pali in Kekaha. Waimea Caynyon, Kokee, and Kalalau Lookout are “must
Coast State Park and beaches beyond Polihale are accessible only by see” destinations for any visitor to Kauai.
boat. Tour boats often stop to snorkel, see the beaches, and explore
ancient Hawaiian stone structures found in these State Parks MENEHUNE DITCH According to legend this ancient irrigation
ditch was built in just one night by the Menehune to bring water from
THE ULTIMATE SUNSET The westernmost beach in Kauai is at Poli- the Waimea River to the taro patches in Waimea village. Go 1.3 mi. up
hale State Park, the perfect place to watch the sun sink into the Pacific. Menehune Rd. in Waimea (just before the 23 mile marker) to see an
Queen’s Pond at Polihale has restrooms, showers, picnic tables, pavil- impressive section of this ancient ditch.
ions and camp sites, plus is a safe swim spot. Barking Sands is named
for the noise the sand makes sliding underfoot. CAPT. COOK LANDING SITE A roadside monument at Hofgaard
Park in Waimea commemorates the the landing, which actually took
NA PALI COAST CRUISE Sailing along the steep and majestic Na place at Lucy Wright Beach Park. The offshore at Capt. Cook’s landing
Pali Coast is a stunning experience whether it is done via a modern site is also a good kayak spot, especially if you are into birdwatching
catamaran, motorized inflatable raft, cabin cruiser or sailboat. The or fishing.
adventure is typically undertaken out of Port Allen on the south end
of Kauai, Hanalei Bay on Kauai’s North Shore, or from Waimea. As RUSSIAN FORT ELIZABETH STATE HISTORICAL PARK In 1815
you cruise you will likely see spinner dolphins showing off, and you’ll a Russian doctor and agent for the Russian Fur Company of Alaska
snorkel amongst a rich variety of tropical fishes in secluded crystal wa- built this fort in attempt to gain control of Hawaii for Russia. It was
ters. Your tour boat will also find secluded beaches and canyons where named for the wife of Russia’s Czar Alexander I. However, Hawaii’s
ancient Hawaiians once thrived. You can pull up to waterfalls cascad- King Kamehameha II managed to toss the Russians off the island just
ing into the blue ocean, peer into sea caves, and look up, up, up at the thereafter. A self-guided walking tour guide is available at the Waimea
towering, eroded cliffs that ascend nearly vertically into the clouds. Public Library at Kaumualii Highway (808) 338-6848.
You will never forget an amazing cruise along the breathtaking Na Pali
Coast. Numerous operators offer well publicized tours. SALT POND BEACH PARK Hawaiians have made salt in this lava
rock barrier salt pond since the 1700’s. Facilities include picnic tables
WAIMEA CANYON Described by Mark Twain as “The Grand Can- and camping. This is a favorite beach among local families.
yon of the Pacific”, is one mile wide, 3567 feet deep and about 12 miles