Page 155 - Hawaii: Diving, Surfing, Pearl Harbor, Volcanoes and More
P. 155
BIRDING Kauai provides some of Hawaii’s last sanctuaries for en- own! For more information about my maps visit www.frankosmaps.
dangered native birds and oceanic birds. Kokee State Park, a 4,345- com. Your comments and suggestions for improvements are wel-
acre wilderness forest at the end of Highway 550, is home to many of come.
Hawaii’s endangered native birds. The Kilauea Point National Wild-
life Refuge, is a 200-acre headland habitat that juts above the surf MOA (Red Junglefowl) What some see as the common red rooster
and includes cliffs, two rocky wave-lashed bays, and a tiny islet that was actually brought centuries ago by seafaring Polynesians. Much
serves as a jumping-off spot for seabirds at the northernmost point interbreeding with chickens brought by Englishmen has occurred.
of Kauai. Hanalei Valley is home to Hawaii’s endangered Koloa This bird is not-so-affectionately called “The Unofficial State Bird
duck, plus gallinule, coot, and stilt. The Hanalei National Wildlife of Hawaii”.
Refuge also provides safe habitat for migratory shorebirds and wa-
terfowl. It is not open to the public, but the Hanalei Valley Look- SNORKELING Almost everyone who comes to Kauai goes snorke-
outalong Highway 56 serves as an impressive vantage point. ling. The North Shore’s best is in the Tunnels to Kee Beach area, the
South Shore is best either at Poipu or Lawai, and the Na Pali side
GOLF COURSES is good anywhere your tour may take you. The East Side faces the
tradewinds and is therefore not as good. Na Pali tours sometimes
Princeville Resort: take in a stop at Niihau and Lehua, where snorkelers plunge into
The Makai Course (808) 826-3580 remote and pristine waters.
The Prince Course (808) 826 5000
Kauai Lagoons: (800) 634-6400 (Lihue) SCUBA DIVING Kauai is a world-class dive destination, and thus
Mokihana Golf Course (808) 241-6000 there is a need for a separate map - Franko’s Kauai Dive Map, which
Kiele Course (808) 241-6000 is devoted to describing the island’s numerous dive sites. The North
Puakea: (866) 773-5554 or (808) 245-8756 (Lihue) Shore and South Shore have fabulous diving, but the best adventure
Poipu Bay: (808) 742-9489 (at Poipu) may be to the channel between the islet of Lehua and Niihau.
Kiahuna Golf Club: (808) 742-9595 (Poipu)
Wailua Municipal Golf Course: (808) 241-6666 (Wailua) HAWAII MOVIE TOURS See where the movies and television
Kukuiolono Golf Course (9 holes): (808) 332-9151 (at Kalaheo) shows were filmed on Kauai, supplemented by video clips of the lo-
cation shots in an air conditioned 16-passenger van (800) 628-8432
NOTE: All “things to see and do” depicted on this map are genuine or (808) 822-1192.
favorites of Franko and friends. There is no paid advertising on this
map. Use this map and our recommendations at your own risk. We
make no warranties expressed or implied. Therefore, if you decide
to float on an inner tube down the Na Pali coast you are on your