Page 159 - Hawaii: Diving, Surfing, Pearl Harbor, Volcanoes and More
P. 159

SIDE 2 DESCRIPTIONS                                      part from Lihue’s heliport as well as from the Princeville airport.
                                                              Numerous operators offer well publicized tours.
                                                              BIKING  The Poipu area has wide, flat roads and dirt-cane roads, es-
     SNORKELING Almost everyone who comes to Kauai goes snorke-  pecially around Mahaulepu.  You can ride the cane road to Makawe-
     ling.  The North Shore’s best is in the Tunnels to Kee Beach area, the  hi Bluff and Haula Beach.  On the east shore there are cane roads to
     South Shore is best either at Poipu or Lawai, and the Na Pali side  ride between Kealia Beach and Anahola, north of Kapaa.  Some folks
     is good anywhere your tour may take you.  The East Side faces the  take a 12-mile downhill ride from Waimea Canyon to the Pacific
     tradewinds and is therefore not as good.  Na Pali tours sometimes  Ocean early in the morning from a tour operator, such as Outfitters
     take in a stop at Niihau and Lehua, where snorkelers plunge into  Kauai (808) 742-9667.  From Hanalei experienced riders take their
     remote and pristine waters.                              rental bikes out to Kee Beach and back.  Experienced mountain bik-
                                                              ers head up the Powerline Trail.
     SCUBA DIVING  Kauai is a world-class dive destination, and thus
     there is a need for a separate map - Franko’s Kauai Dive Map, which  HORSEBACK RIDING  Only in Kauai can you ride a horse across
     is devoted to describing the island’s numerous dive sites.  The North  the wide-open pastures of a working ranch under volcanic peaks and
     Shore and South Shore have fabulous diving, but the best adventure  rein up near a waterfall pool.  Stables for horseback riding are:  CJM
     may be to the channel between the islet of Lehua and Niihau.    Country Stables, 2 miles beyond the Hyatt Regency Kauai, (808)
                                                              742-6096;   on the  North Shore,  the Princeville  Ranch Stables  off
     HAWAII  MOVIE  TOURS    See  where  the  movies  and  television  Highway 56 just after the Princeville Airport (808) 826-6777; and at
     shows were filmed on Kauai, supplemented by video clips of the lo-  Silver Falls Ranch near Kilauea (808) 828-6718.
     cation shots in an air conditioned 16-passenger van (800) 628-8432
     or (808) 822-1192.                                       HIKING:   For information on  Kauai’s hiking trails  call  the  State
                                                              Division of Parks, (808) 274-3446; the State Division of Forestry
     TOUR KAUAI FROM A HELICOPTER  Watching the Kauai scen-   and Wildlife, (808) 274-3077; or  Kauai County Parks and Recrea-
     ery from above is so beautiful that it is a spiritual experience.  You  tion, (808) 241-6670. Be sure to check out the weather as rivers and
     will see spectacular canyons, razor cliffs, green mountains, waterfalls  streams can quickly overflow, causing flash flooding.  If you’re hik-
     pouring down the face of Waialeale, the fluted cliffs of the Na Pali  ing, avoid dry streambeds, which flood quickly and wash out to sea.
     Coast, and the descending hues of ocean blues meeting with golden  Check the weather forecast at (808) 245-6001. The Sierra Club at
     beaches.  This is some of the most amazing scenery you will ever see.  (808) 246-8748 offers several hikes every month, varying from an

     Every tour, every day is different as Kauai’s dynamic weather is the  easy family moonlit beach hike to a moderate hike in the mountains,
     ultimate deciding factor in your tour route.  There are too few words  or an 8-mile-plus treks for serious hikers only.
     in any language to describe Kauai’s beauty from above.  Flights de-
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