Page 162 - Hawaii: Diving, Surfing, Pearl Harbor, Volcanoes and More
P. 162
KOLOA LANDING Excellent, easy shore dive access for beginners Don’t forget your camera!
to depths of 55’. Great advanced snorkeling with tame fish and mo-
ray eels looking to be fed. This is a common scuba intro dive site for WAILUA RIVER KAYAK AND HIKE Paddle a rented kayak to Fern
classes with facilities. Grotto and then hike to Wailua Falls.
SOUTH SHORE DIVING There are many superb diving and snorke- KAPAA STREAM Big beautiful valley for paddling with great bird-
ling sites on Kauai’s South Shore. Refer to Franko’s Dive Map of Kaua’i watching and fishing.
for complete details. Available at any dive shop on the island.
PO’IPU BEACH PARK Kauai’s best beach, and one of the world’s best magical place filled with things to do, from playing with Hawaiian
kid’s beaches. Sunning, picnicking, playing, or snorkeling. Usually musical instruments to participating in virtual reality television, to
calm and clear, but exposed to south swells. hiding out in a “magic tree house”. There are Keiki Camps (Children
Camps), where you can leave the kids all day and they will take them
SHERATON CAVERNS Top boat scuba site around Kaua’i. Dive 30’ on local outings while you do adult things. Located at Kauai Village.
- 65’ depth on three lava tubes and a wall with coral formations. It is (808) 823-8222
almost always calm and clear.
WAIPOULI BEACH WALK PATH Walkers and joggers enjoy the
KOLOPA BEACH Swimming, snorkeling and surfing. Lots of turtles windward side of Kauai along this long oceanfront path of the Coco-
hang out in front of Kuhio Shores. nut Coast. However, the waters here are considered dangerous.
SPOUTING HORN Big waves funnel through a lava tube and blast HAWAIIAN LUAU Kauai has a commercial luau with entertainment
out, creating a huge whale-spout with a distinct moaning sound. every day of the week except Saturday. Gaylord’s Luau at Kilohana
Hawaiian legend is that this moan is “Mo’o”, a huge people-eating fe- near Lihue is on Tuesday and Thursday (808) 245-9593. On Monday,
male lizard, who was chased into the hole by “Liko”, a fisherman who Wednesday and Friday visitors can enjoy Smith’s Luau and Interna-
speared Mo’o in the mouth to save himself. The moaning is Mo’o’s cry. tional Pageant at Wailua Marina State Park at 5pm. (808) 821-6895.
On Thursday and Sunday at 5:45pm there is Drums of Paradise Luau
BRENNECKES BEACH Bodysurfing and boogie boarding. at the Hyatt Regency Kauai (808) 240-6456. in Poipu. The Paina O
Hanalei Luau is held Monday and Thursday eve at the Princeville Ho-
EAST SHORE DETAIL INSERT tel (808) 826-2788. Finally, the Kauai Aloha Luau is held on Tuesday
at the Aloha Beach Resort and Sunday at the Raddisson Kauai Beach
HULA SHOW Free hula show every Wednesday at The Coconut Resort (808) 335-5828. Always call in advance for reservations.
Marketplace at 5pm. The hour-long performance of both kahiko (an-
cient) and auwana (modern) hula include darling keiki (children).