Page 163 - Hawaii: Diving, Surfing, Pearl Harbor, Volcanoes and More
P. 163

WAILUA RIVER WATERSKIING  Contact Kauai Water Ski and Surf  GROVE FARM HOMESTEAD MUSEUM  For a step back in history
    Company at (808) 822-3574                                 to around 1860, this sugar plantation home gives you  a peek at life
                                                              during this era.  Located at 4050 Nawiliwili Rd. (2 miles up Hwy. 58),
    TUBING  Float down old irrigation flumes and ditches from the for-  Lihue.  (808) 245-3202
    mer sugar cane plantations in this easy water sport.  Contact Kauai
    Backcountry Adventures at (808) 245-2506.  They’ll outfit you  with  KALAPAKI BEACH  Busy beach for locals, for Marriott guests, and
    a giant tube, gloves and headlamp for the long tunnels.  Relax on the  for cruise ship visitors who come in for just a few hours to catch some
    water and let the gentle gravity fed flow carry you through forests, into  Kauai sunshine.  Surfing on the west side of the bay.
    tunnels and finally to a mountain swimming hole and picnic lunch.
                                                              NININI BEACH  This beautiful beach is not visited much because it
    AHUKINI LANDING  Visit deserted Ahukini Landing, Kauai’s origi-  is out of the way.  A beach access sign and parking lot is on the road
    nal deep water port at Hanamalu Bay.  From here you can see an unu-  across from the Kiele Golf Course.  A small path leads to the beach.
    sual view of the island, including several of Kauai’s major mountains.
    Seldom visited by tourists.  Turn right after leaving the airport and go  MENEHUNE FISH POND  According to legend, among Kauai’s ear-
    past the heliports.                                       liest settlers were the Menehune, a race of small people who worked
                                                              at night and performed superhuman feats. Located at Niumalu  above
    HELIPORT  This is the most common departure location for Kauai’s  Nawiliwili Harbor,  the  Menehune  Fish Pond  is said  to  have  been
    popular helicopter tours.  Just go Makai (seaward) on Ahukini Rd.  built in just 1 night, with two rows of thousands of Menehune pass-
    (Hwy. 570).  Stay left and avoid the airport circle.      ing stones hand to hand.  Kayakers paddle up Hule’ia Stream into the
                                                              Hule’ia Nat’l Wildlife Refuge to see it up close.
    KAUAI MUSEUM  Although this Greco-Roman building seems small
    it has lots of artifacts and information.  The museum traces Kauai’s  PLAYGROUND FOR KIDS  The Kamalani Playground in Lydgate
    history from the beginning of time through Capt. James Cook’s “dis-  State Park is the most amazing place for kids, with a maze of jungle
    covering” Kauai in 1778, plus the monarchy period, the plantation  gyms, an array of slides, and plenty of caves.  Kids can spend hours
    era, and the present.  Great museum gift shop. (808) 245-6931   exploring and playing.
    KILOHANA  Glimpse Kauai’s past at this Tudor mansion plantation  LYDGATE STATE PARK  This wonderful family beach and park has
    home of the Wilcox family.  The restored 1935 building is now home  huge pavillion, lots of trees, grassy fields for ball games.  The beach
    to Gaylord’s Restaurant and interesting shops and galleries.  Exotic  has a nice swimming and snorkeling area protected from waves by a
    gardens have 100 year-old cottages.  Located just outside of Lihue on  rock structure.
    Hwy. 50 heading west.
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