Page 164 - Hawaii: Diving, Surfing, Pearl Harbor, Volcanoes and More
P. 164
WAILUA RIVER STATE PARK This river is fed by 5,148-foot Mount
Waialeale, the rainiest spot on earth. Seven ancient Hawaiian Heiau’s
(temples) once stood along the river. To see these ancient sites you
can boat or kayak up the river or up drive Kuamoo Road (Hwy. 580),
which goes past the historical sites to Opaekaa Falls. The road ends at
Keahua Arboretum, a State Division of Forestry project to reforest the
watershed with native plants.
KAMOKILA HAWAIIAN VILLAGE Enter a driveway near the
Opaekaa Falls Lookout on Kaumoo Rd. (Hwy. 580) to visit a recreated
Hawaiian Village on the Wailua River. There are canoe rides, hiking,
swimming and cultural activities. (808) 338-1332
FERN GROTTO The best way to see this attraction is via the Wai-
lua River on either Smith’s Motor Boats (808) 821-6895, or Waialeale
Boat Tours (808) 822-4908 on their 90-minute, 2.5-mile, motorized
150-passenger boat to a natural cave amphitheater filled with ferns.
NAWILIWILI HARBOR This is the cruise ship destination for Kauai.
Visitors disembark here to enjoy good restaurants, great shopping,
and Kalapaki Beach at the Anchor Cove Shopping Center, all within
walking distance. While you are shopping buy a copy of Franko’s
Map of The Hawaiian Islands. This fabulous map of Franko’s favorite
places shows details of all of the cruise ship destinations in the State
of Hawaii, including Kauai, Oahu, Maui and Hawaii, The Big Island.
SHAVE ICE Experience Kauai’s local treat, similar to a snow cone.
The secret is in the fine “shaved ice” which is put into a paper cone and
topped with a tropical-flavored syrup. Try something exotic.