Page 160 - Hawaii: Diving, Surfing, Pearl Harbor, Volcanoes and More
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LEARN TO SURF!  Small classes and professional instructions.  For  GUAVA KAI PLANTATION  Delicious, free guava juice, yummy
     Poipu’s ideal beginner waves call Margo Oberg’s Surfing School at  souvenirs and gifts, plus a walk around the country’s largest guava
     (808) 332-8119; or Nukamoi Surf Co. (808) 742-8119, or Kauai Surf  plantation. Visit the orchards to see how guavas are processed.  (808)
     School (808) 742-8019.In Kapaa call Play Dirty (808) 823-9113; or  828-6121.
     Learn to Surf (808) 826-7612. On the North Shore call Hanalei Surf
     School at (808) 826-9286.  Kauai also has its share of great surf spots  NA PALI COAST & KOKE’E HIKING
     for experienced surfers and bodyboarders.
                                                             THE KALALAU TRAIL:  The only land access to the unbelievably
     SPORT FISHING  Kauai offers superb sport fishing with half- and  beautiful Na Pali Coast is the challenging 11-mile-long Kalalau
     full-day private and share charters, mostly out of Nawiliwili Small  Trail.  From Kee Beach to Hanakapiai Beach is 2 miles, and is a good
     Boat Harbor.  Call Wild Bill at (808) 822-5965,  Lahela (808) 245-36-  day hike.  An additional 2 miles of hiking leads up the valley to the
     44, Capt. Don (808) 639-3012, True Blue (808) 246-6333, Breakaway  120’ Hanakapiai Falls, which plunges out of the Pali and into a large
     (808) 635,9456, or Hawaiian Style, out of Kapaa at (808) 635-7335.  pool.  5 miles further along is Hanakoa Valley Park, and 4 miles
     ATV TOURS  Visit some of Kauai’s remote back country on private  beyond that is the Kalalau Valley.  From there hikers trek into the
     access roads to hidden valleys, ranches, hunting grounds, waterfalls,  Kalalau Valley via a 2-mile trail, but it is not possible to climb up and
     cane haul roads, and swimming holes.  Call Kipu Ranch Adventure  out of the valley.  Overnight camping is allowed only by permit.  Call
     (808) 246-9288, Kauai Back-country Adventure (808) 245-2506,  the State Div. of Parks at (808) 274-3444 for  info.  Be prepared!  You
     Gay Robinson Tours (808) 335-2824 or Kauai ATV (808) 742-2734.  must pack out whatever you pack in.  Adventurous kayakers pad-
     LIMAHULI GARDEN  Part of the National Tropical Botanical Gar-  dle from Kee Beach to Kalalau Beach.  Backpackers enjoy primitive
     den. Ocean view and self-guided tour                    camping at the sites shown.  This is a seasonal route, usually hiked
                                                             in the summer.  Winter waves are often huge, making the beaches
     WAIOLI MISSION HOME  Built in 1834 for some of Hawaii’s first  and waters extremely dangerous.  Hikers should bring water, as wild
     missionaries.                                           goats and pigs foul the streams.

     HANALEI RIVER Jungle river cruise for paddlers. Go from Hanalei  KALALAU LOOKOUT  This is one of the most breath-taking and
     Bay to the wildlife refuge and taro farms.  This river can get very full  spectacular views in the entire Pacific.  Lush and fluted knife-edged
     after a good rain up on Waialeale. Open to visitors.    cliffs rise above Kalalau Valley from the sea along the Na Pali Coast.
                                                             Note:  Climbing up or down the cliffs (pali) between Kokee State
     KILAUEA LIGHTHOUSE  This site is a protected home for nesting  Park and the Kalalau Valley is absolutely impossible due to vertical,
     and resting seabirds and Hawaii’s state bird, the Nene.  The refuge is  loose pali.
     one of Kauai’s best known attractions.
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