Page 158 - Hawaii: Diving, Surfing, Pearl Harbor, Volcanoes and More
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TOUR KAUAI FROM A HELICOPTER Watching the Kauai scenery HIKING: For information on Kauai’s hiking trails call the State Di-
from above is so beautiful that it is a spiritual experience. You will see vision of Parks, (808) 274-3446; the State Division of Forestry and
spectacular canyons, razor cliffs, green mountains, waterfalls pour- Wildlife, (808) 274-3077; or Kauai County Parks and Recreation,
ing down the face of Waialeale, the fluted cliffs of the Na Pali Coast, (808) 241-6670. Be sure to check out the weather as rivers and streams
and the descending hues of ocean blues meeting with golden beaches. can quickly overflow, causing flash flooding. If you’re hiking, avoid
This is some of the most amazing scenery you will ever see. Every dry streambeds, which flood quickly and wash out to sea. Check the
tour, every day is different as Kauai’s dynamic weather is the ultimate weather forecast at (808) 245-6001. The Sierra Club at (808) 246-8748
deciding factor in your tour route. There are too few words in any offers several hikes every month, varying from an easy family moonlit
language to describe Kauai’s beauty from above. Flights depart from beach hike to a moderate hike in the mountains, or an 8-mile-plus
Lihue’s heliport as well as from the Princeville airport. Numerous op- treks for serious hikers only.
erators offer well publicized tours.
LEARN TO SURF! Small classes and professional instructions. For
BIKING The Poipu area has wide, flat roads and dirt-cane roads, es- Poipu’s ideal beginner waves call Margo Oberg’s Surfing School at
pecially around Mahaulepu. You can ride the cane road to Makawehi (808) 332-8119; or Nukamoi Surf Co. (808) 742-8119, or Kauai Surf
Bluff and Haula Beach. On the east shore there are cane roads to ride School (808) 742-8019. In Kapaa call Play Dirty (808) 823-9113; or
between Kealia Beach and Anahola, north of Kapaa. Some folks take Learn to Surf (808) 826-7612. On the North Shore call Hanalei Surf
a 12-mile downhill ride from Waimea Canyon to the Pacific Ocean School at (808) 826-9286. Kauai also has its share of great surf spots
early in the morning from a tour operator, such as Outfitters Kauai for experienced surfers and body boarders.
(808) 742-9667. From Hanalei experienced riders take their rental
bikes out to Kee Beach and back. Experienced mountain bikers head SPORT FISHING Kauai offers superb sport fishing with half- and
up the Powerline Trail. full-day private and share charters, mostly out of Nawiliwili Small
Boat Harbor. Call Wild Bill at (808) 822-5965, Lahela (808) 245-36-
HORSEBACK RIDING Only in Kauai can you ride a horse across 44, Capt. Don (808) 639-3012, True Blue (808) 246-6333, Breakaway
the wide-open pastures of a working ranch under volcanic peaks and (808) 635,9456, or Hawaiian Style, out of Kapaa at (808) 635-7335.
rein up near a waterfall pool. Stables for horseback riding are: CJM
Country Stables, 2 miles beyond the Hyatt Regency Kauai, (808) 742- ATV TOURS Visit some of Kauai’s remote back country on private
6096; on the North access roads to hidden valleys, ranches, hunting grounds, water falls,
cane haul roads, and swimming holes. Call Kipu Ranch Adventure
Shore, the Princeville Ranch Stables off Highway 56 just after the (808) 246-9288, Kauai Back-country Adventure (808) 245-2506, Gay
Princeville Airport (808) 826-6777; and at Silver Falls Ranch near Robinson Tours (808) 335-2824 or Kauai ATV (808) 742-2734.
Kilauea (808) 828-6718.