Page 154 - Hawaii: Diving, Surfing, Pearl Harbor, Volcanoes and More
P. 154

HANAPEPE VALLEY LOOKOUT  Be sure to pull over to enjoy the  ry operations.  Learn about the history of the plantation, sugar pro-
     view of the Hanapepe Valley at the Hwy. 50 roadside lookout just  cessing in Hawaii, and Kauai’s astounding irrigation system (808)
     before reaching Hanapepe.                               335-2824.  Ask about the Robinson Family Adventures, especially
                                                             the Mountain Pool ATV Tour!
     PORT ALLEN From this port many of Kauai Na Pali Coast tours
     disembark.  Turn makai (seaward) from the main highway at Waia-  KAUAI COFFEE COMPANY  Visit Hawaii’s largest coffee grower, a
     lo Rd. right at the Eleele shopping center (you’ll see a McDonald’s  3400 acre estate on Hwy. 540.  Free coffee tasting, a great gift shop
     there).                                                 and the Kauai Coffee Museum  (808) 335-0813.

     HANAPEPE TOWN  Enjoy a walk along the main street of Hana-  WEST KAUAI TECHNOLOGY & VISITOR’S CENTER This mu-
     pepe town, also known as “Kauai’s Biggest Little Town.” Walk on  seum explores Hawaiian technology in navigation, irrigation, and
     Kauai’s longest suspension bridge, kayak on the Hanapepe River,  agriculture from ancient times to present.  (808) 338-1332.
     see historic buildings and discover the art capital of Kauai.  Enjoy
     Hanapepe Art Night on Fridays from 6pm to 9pm.  Free town maps  REAL DIRT SHIRTS FACTORY OUTLET Visit the factory and buy
     available in most Hanapepe stores and galleries.        a shirt dyed with genuine red volcanic soil from Kauai.  On Hwy. 50
     KAYAK TOURS  Kauai’s rivers, bays and ocean offer kayaking  from  across the street from the Fire Station in Kalaheo.
     novice to expert.  Outfitters Kauai has a Hanalei River paddle, an
     epic Na Pali Coast 16 mile tour, or a mellow day up the Wailua River  ANAHOLA STREAM Great views of “King Kong Mountain” (Ana-
     through calm jungle waters (808) 742-9667.  Other operators in-  hola Mountain is familiar from the 1978 movie) are enjoyed by
     clude:  Kayak Hanalei, (808) 826-1881; Alii Kayak Tours (808) 241-  kayakers as they fish or birdwatch while paddling up this peaceful
     7700; Island Adventure (808) 246-6333; Waialua Kayak Adventure  stream.
     (808) 822-5795, and Paradise Kayaks (808) 822-0016.
                                                             NA AINA KAI BOTANICAL GARDENS  Magical 240 acres of gar-
     SOUTH SHORE SCUBA DIVING  More than a dozen fabulous dive  dens, sprinkled with 70+  life-size whimsical bronze statues.  Kids
     spots are between Po’ipu and Salt Pond.  They include General Store,  love the gecko hedge maze, a tropical jungle gym, a tree house in a
     Turtle Bluffs, Beach House, Fast Lanes, Koloa Landing, Sheraton  rubber tree, and a 16-foot tall Jack and the Beanstalk Giant with a
     Caverns, Brennecke’s Ledge, and Po’ipu Beach Park.  These and all of  33-foot wading pool below.
     Kauai’s great diving are detailed in Franko’s Kauai Dive Map.

     GAY & ROBINSON SUGAR PLANTATION  Founded in 1889, visit
     Kauai’s only remaining and most successful sugar plantation.  The
     Visitor Center has a museum and offers tours of their field and facto-
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