Page 343 - Melanesia
P. 343

n the past, such beliefs caused animos-   run naked, but wear a penis sheath. The        ‘men only’ pastime, so much so that women
                                             price paid to the uncles is in pigs, mats,     dare not pass near nakamal’s (men’s
I ity between villages and islands, to the
extent that warfare often resulted (a classic dances and food crops. And that price         houses) at the time kava is being drunk,

example is the eruption of Ambrym volcano cannot be paid unless the mother’s have lest they accidentally see the ritual and

in 1913). Naturally, traditional societies’  accumulated sufficient wealth.                 be punished with a beating. Because of a

economies are based on produce from the      I n years following natural disasters such     long history of inter island and inter village
land. Staple foods are mostly root crops;       as volcanic eruptions (acidic ash rain can  trading, many ni-Vanutau speak numerous
yam, taro and manioc. Seasonal fruits like                                                  languages.

breadfruit are important mainstays. In most  damage crops significantly) or cyclones,       S ince the arrival of Europeans, a lingua
areas a portion of the jungle is simply      young boys can reach almost adult age               franca evolved. It’s name, Bislama, de-
cleared to plant crops. However in places    without being circumcised. And they are

where there is plenty of water, taro is grown still treated as babies as a result, until    rived from the Bech-der-mer (sea cucum-

in complex terraces hand built from earth the mothers can once again accumulate             ber) traders. Essentially a phonetic form of

and rocks. As mentioned above, pigs are a sufficient food crops and pigs to pay the         English, with much simplified grammar, if

mainstay of the economy not just as food circumcisions price.                               it is listened to closely and spoken slowly,

but as a form of money and prestige. A       A lthough Kava is not a food crop, it is       it can be understood by most English
village’s economy plays a significant role         a significant part of Vanuatu cultural   speaking people. Despite the introduction
not just in simple survival, but as part of                                                 of European ideas, the disastrous effects

the complex rituals. One of the simplest     society. Kava is a derivative of the pep-      of missionaries and blackbirders and the

examples are circumcision ceremonies. On per tree family. Traditionally it is cut and       development of Bislama as a universal

some islands, mothers ‘pay’ the uncles of    chewed into a pulp, then spat into a bowl. language (loss of language being a prime

boys to be circumcised. The boys are taken The mushy pulp is squeezed and the               destroyer of primitive cultures worldwide)

into the bush for weeks, sometimes months, resultant liquid drunk in. On some islands, Vanuatu’s richness and diversity of culture

where they are introduced to the ways of both men and women may drink kava as an is one of its primary attraction to visitors.

manhood - as well as having their foreskins evening soporific after a hard days work.

removed. From that point on they no longer On Tanna it has become more ritualized as a
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