Page 347 - Melanesia
P. 347
1977 - Representatives of the New Hebrides 1996 - President Jean-Marie Leye and 2005 December - Thousands of people are
and the governments of Britain and France former deputy prime minister Barak Sope evacuated as Mount Manaro, an active
agree an independence plan for the islands are briefly abducted by the Vanuatu Mobile volcano on Ambae, begins to spew ash and
in 1980 following a referendum and elec- Force as part of a long-standing pay dispute steam.
tions. with the government.
2007 March - State of emergency declared
1978 - A measure of self-government intro- 2001 April - Edward Natapei becomes prime after islanders from Ambrym and Tanna
duced. minister. clash in the capital, reportedly over alle-
gations of witchcraft. The violence leaves
1980 June - Jimmy Stevens, the leader of 2002 July - Myriam Abel, Vanuatu’s Public three people dead.
NaGriamel, declares Espiritu Santo inde- Health Director, becomes the first female
pendent of the rest of the New Hebrides Pacific Islander to be elected to the execu- 2010 February - The Asian Development
renaming the island the Independent State tive of the World Health Organization. Bank says Vanuatu is one of the fastest
of Vemarana. Papua New Guinea troops, growing economies in the Pacific, with
backed by the Australians, put down the 2003 May - Organization for Economic Co- growth of almost four percent last year in
insurrection. operation and Development, impressed by an unprecedented seventh consecutive year
Vanuatu’s reforms, removes Vanuatu from a of growth.
1980 30 July - New Hebrides attains inde- list of uncooperative tax havens.
pendence within the Commonwealth under 2012 May - Diplomatic row with Australia
the name of Vanuatu. Father Walter Lini is 2004 November-December - Controversy over the arrest of Prime Minister Kilman’s
first prime minister. over Prime Minister Vohor’s attempt to secretary on fraud charges. Vanuatu expels
forge diplomatic relations with Taiwan. The an Australian police liaison group in re-
PM is ousted after a vote of no confidence sponse.
and is replaced by Ham Lini.