Page 346 - Melanesia
P. 346

Key Historical Dates

550BC - First inhabited by Melanesian         1865 - European settlers begin to arrive on  ancestors will one day return with goods or
people                                        the islands.                                 “cargo” for them. The British jail the leaders
                                                                                           of the movement and outlaw any mention
1606 - European explorer Pedro Fernandez      1887 - Britain and France establish a Joint  of John Frum.
de Quiros leads an expedition to the islands  Naval Commission on the islands to protect
naming them Terra Austrialis del Espiritu     their citizens.                              1956 - John Frum is recognised as a religion
Santo.                                                                                     by the Anglo-French Condominium.
                                              1906 - Britain and France make the country
1768 - Louis Antoine de Bougainville names    a Condominium, under joint administra-       1963 - The NaGriamel political movement
the islands Les Grandes Cyclades.             tion. Each power is responsible for its own  emerges on Espiritu Santo. Followers ad-
                                              citizens but indigenous New Hebrideans       vocate the return of land to the ni-Vanuatu
1774 - British explorer Captain Cook charts   are looked after by both countries. Non-     people and a return to traditional ways.
the islands calling them the New Hebrides.    New Hebrideans choose which country they
                                              want to be governed by.                      1971 - NaGriamel, anxious that more than
1800s - Thousands of Vanuatu are kid-                                                      36% of the New Hebrides is now owned by
napped and forced to work on sugar and        1938 - Emergence of the John Frum cargo      foreign missionaries, planters and traders,
cotton plantations in Fiji and Queens-        cult. Believers say goods owned by Ameri-    petitions the UN to prevent further land
land, Australia. The practice, known as       can and European visitors to the island are  sales to non-indigenous people
“blackbirding”, continues until the early     really meant for them but are intercepted
20th century.                                 by the foreigners. They believe that their
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