Page 345 - Melanesia
P. 345

History of Cannibalism

When the first Europeans arrived on the             history, legends and customs, offers much more
         shores of Vanuatu in 1606, the islands     than just a tropical island getaway. The best
were inhabited by tribes that commonly prac-        pieces were considered the head, the thighs and
ticed cannibalism. In 1839 the first two British    the buttocks. When asked why did the popula-
missionaries from the London Missionary Society     tion eat missionaries and white people, the
arrived in Erromango Island and were promptly       answer was pure vengeance for the white slave
killed and eaten. Most anthropologists agree that   traders that came first and kidnapped local boys
Vanuatu’s last Kakae Man (or victim of cannibal-    and men by the hundreds. When the missionar-
ism) went into the big Nambas ground oven on        ies turned up later on, they were usually killed
Malaleuka Island in 1969, however there are also    off and eaten immediately. The place where
unconfirmed reports of cannibalism in Efate as      they cooked their victims is called “nakamal”. The
late as 1987. Most cannibalism was a result of      recipe for cooking someone was simple. After
tribal warfare, though missionaries also made       the victim had been clubbed to death, arms
it to the table. Some tribes believed consuming     and legs were cut up in pieces, and everything
human flesh would give them magical powers,         put in an earth oven furnished with palm and
others just enjoyed the taste. White folk, ap-      banana leaves. There, the meat was cooked until
parently, weren’t considered a delicacy, as they    it was done. The nakamal was used for sacrificing
tasted too salty.                                   humans from time immemorial, up until for just a
                                                    few decades ago.
In present time, throughout Vanuatu, cannibal-
  ism is long gone and the locals are anything
but hostile. Indeed, Vanuatu with all its colorful
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