Page 15 - BPW UK ANNUAL REVIEW 2021-2022 - PART I
P. 15

Since the new structure was adopted at last year’s AGM, the group has been formed and active
         for just seven months. In that time we have established ourselves as a group, revising the Terms
         of Reference, from the Action Working Group. Our BPW UK Mandate document has been updated
         and reformatted and we have spent time considering if any action should be taken from the Man-
         date. We have also produced an Advocacy Web Page for the new BPW website and published an
         article about the work of the group in BPW E-News.

         From a campaign perspective, we have looked into a campaign for the Gender Pay Gap but the
         group decided that its main priority should be focussed on Violence Against Women and Girls given
         the recent growth of incidents. Using the EU Directive for Violence Against Women and Girls sent
         to us by BPW Europe as a comparator, we are currently reviewing the legal and support provision
         in the UK so that we can decide which areas would warrant a campaign to provide or improve pro-
         vision of support within the UK. We are also mindful of the variations that may occur within the
         devolved governments of Scotland and Northern Ireland which may require us to carry out a cam-
         paign to redress any differences.

         On a personal note, I have been very heartened to see how our new structure has been working
         and how we are developing as an organisation. As our working groups become more active, the
         support of the Advocacy Group will be needed more. As well as engaging our members and at-
         tracting new members, it is the campaigning element of our work which will raise the profile of
         BPW UK by demonstrating how our efforts improve the lives of women and girls, not just in the
         UK, but internationally as well.

         Elizabeth I Jowett
         Vice President Advocacy

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