Page 12 - BPW UK ANNUAL REVIEW 2021-2022 - PART I
P. 12

  direct  communication to all members through centralised mailings, E-news,
                     website and social media
                    submit an operational report on function prior to each FEC meeting and other
                     reports as required by the National President
                    coordinate activities within an allocated budget defined by the National Treasurer

                                                            Membership Strategy Action Plan

                       Priority Area                Action            Responsible            Update

                   a) Recruitment Strategy   -establish an effective                    03/09/2021
                                             Working Group           Working Group
                                             -develop and implement                     COMPLETED
                                                                     Strategy agreed
                                             an effective recruitment

                                             -monitor the
                                             effectiveness of the
                                             -oversee the
                                             implementation of the
                                             strategy in all areas
                                             -share information, work
                                             plans and internal
                                             communication ideas
                                             freely with all working
                                             group leaders
                                             -make effective use of all
                                             available communication
                      a) Application           -review and update the   All forms are in         1. MEMBERSHIP
                          Forms              current application form   the process of         FORMS
                                             and provide an instant   being reviewed.   ADAPTED AS
                      b) Renewal Forms       Join Now option on the                     WEBSITE
                                             website                                    FUNCTIONALITY
                      c) Renewal Letter      -review and update the                     EVOLVES
                      d) Research            current renewal form    A questionnaire        2. RENEWAL
                                             -new wording for renewal   for potential            LETTERS
                                             letter encouraging      members is             COMING FROM
                                             members to continue     being worked on.   TREASURER
                                             with their membership                      01.01.2022
                                             -devise questionnaire to                   3. EXTERNAL
                                             ascertain value and                        QUESTIONNAIRE
                                             needs to and from the                      DRAFTED
                                             members                                    4. FRIENDS OF &
                                             -investigate other                         CORPORATE
                                             categories of                              BEING
                                             membership                                 DEVELOPED

                   Reporting                 -make effective use of all   Ongoing       ALL MEETINGS
                   mechanisms:               available communication                    HELD BY ZOOM
                                             mechanisms so keeping                      NIL COSTS
                                             costs to a minimum                         INCURRED

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