Page 7 - BPW UK ANNUAL REVIEW 2021-2022 - PART I
P. 7
BPW Europe has stayed close to the events within the war in
Ukraine. We are in contact with the BPW Ukraine members and
send them news about what is being done to help them in these
dark days. They have thanked us for giving them hope that this
story will not be lost, but that others stand with them. I have writ-
ten to you all before about the work that the nearby countries
BPW Federations and clubs are doing. IFBPW have started a fund
specific to the future needs, and projects can be sent to the Exec-
utive for consideration. BPW Poland are on the ground working
well, in the spirit of the organization we belong to.
With one eye on the past, we look to the future.
The FEC are looking to host a one-day conference in the autumn, but as you can appreci-
ate, Covid figures are still blighting large events. Please e mail me on how you feel about a day
together, to work on our advocacy topics and to be a springboard to the next BPWUK conference
Joanne Kinsey
National President BPWUK
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