Page 6 - BPW UK ANNUAL REVIEW 2021-2022 - PART I
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This year has all been about building a strong foundation for the post pandemic future of
BPWUK. We have missed having the last two annual conferences in person, and our zoom account
has kept in contact with many of our members. For those of them that did not have access to a
more modern laptop or tablet the FEC worked with the MEF to loan those members a device to be
able to still be a part of BPW.
The Wednesday discussions have proved popular with wide ranging webinars from the envi-
ronment to space, to refreshing our advocacy skills to understanding the different way abortion
law is within the UK. These talks are free to our members, and we have received guests from the
UK, Europe and beyond to these talks. Such is the beauty of zoom; we really are connected to our
BPW Federations and clubs around the world.
The newsletter team of Monique Lee, Janice Bancroft, Jackie Franklin and myself have
worked hard to ensure that each month an interesting and informative edition of the BPWUK news
is sent virtually to each member. The format has been evolving, thanks to Monique giving it the
global touch via California. Janice ensures we have our Ps and Qs in the right place as our in-
house editor. Jackie and I source the articles from within BPWUK and those current issues that
form part of our ethos. Articles and photos are always welcome from members, and ideas are al-
ways followed up.
I have represented BPWUK virtually in the Mediterranean Symposium in the autumn, the
theme was “Women: Drivers of a resilient tomorrow”. Some members attended in person, but
others as a hybrid participant like me. Our new International President Dr Catherine Bosshart and
European Co-ordinator Anu Vicks opened the symposium and introduced the speakers and the
workshop facilitators. As always, we learn from each event, taking us to the next with a better
understanding of the last.
I have represented BPWUK at last months United Nations CSW66 held mostly via zoom.
IFBPW held some informative and insightful side event sessions, with input from BPW Presidents
from around the world and speakers best place to explain the topic. These ranged from the dam-
age that inner city lighting can do to the environment (BPW Spain), Women on the move, Afghani-
stan women refugees in the US and how we as an organization can help them to adjust (BPW USA).
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