Page 5 - DRAFT PACKAGE - Burbank 23-24 February 2024_Neat
P. 5

                                           BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING
                                                  October 21, 2023
                                                      via Zoom:
                   CALL TO ORDER:  President Maria C. DeSousa called the virtual meeting to order at 9:04 a.m.

                   PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE:
                             The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America was led by Army
                             Veteran and Past State President Michelle Husby.

                             An inspiration was presented by Guru Gayatri Joshi: Renowned Odissi performer,
                             choreographer, and instructor at iGurukul Odissi.

                          President DeSousa welcomed members and guests.

                          President DeSousa presented the 2023-24 Executive Committee:
                          Secretary, Katherine Winans
                          Treasurer, Anne Marie Johnson is excused and was represented by CFBPW Finance Chair
                          Denise Luckhurst.
                          Parliamentarian, Past National and Past CFBPW State President and a Director of the
                          CFBPW Education Fund, Sandy Thompson and,
                          herself as CFBPW State President.

                          She then presented Past State President attending:
                          Immediate Past President, Bessie Hironimus
                          Trudy Waldroop
                          Barbara J. Davis
                          Linda J. Lucas
                          Manjul Batra
                          Linda Wilson
                          Pat Long
                          Michelle Husby
                          Katherine Winans
                          Rosemary Enzer
                          Lynn Brandstater

                          President Maria acknowledge CFBPW members’ service to BPW-International and the
                          National Federation. Then presented CFBPW Committee Chairs and appointees present.

                          Bylaws and Resolutions, Trudy Waldroop
                          Finance Chair, Denise Luckhurst
                          Lifelong Leadership and Learning, Barbara Davis
                          Membership, Marketing and First Timers, Bessie Hironimus
                          Program and Memorial Service, Marjory Hopper
                          Public Policy Co Chairs, Sally McMahon and Rosemary Enzer
                          Small Business, Manjul Batra
                          Consultant to District Presidents Sandy Thompson
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