Page 6 - DRAFT PACKAGE - Burbank 23-24 February 2024_Neat
P. 6

Member Records, Katherine Winans
                          IT Coordinator, Michelle Husby
                          California Woman Editor, Monique Lee
                          Webmaster, Linda Wilson.
                          And the Officers for the CFBPW Education Fund
                          President, Rosemary Enzer
                          Secretary, Pat Long
                          Treasurer, Sandy Thompson
                          Director, Maryann Wesson

                          Secretary Katherine then introduced others present:
                          Gloria Salas of Burbank and Sandy Sanders Member at Large.
                               1  Timers:  Vasuki Arumugam (Berkeley), Shaaron Casey (Burbank) and Diane Rames

                   REGISTATION REPORT
                                Pat Long provide the following Registration Report
                                With 20 voting Board Members present we have a majority of the potential voting
                                members in attendance, 3 of whom are officers.  There are 5 non-voting members
                                for a total attendance of 25.
                                The Registration Report was accepted as presented.

                                A quorum was declared present.

                   STANDING RULES
                                Parliamentarian Thompson presented corrections to the Standing Rules which were
                                accepted as corrected.

                   ACCEPTANCE OF THE AGENDA
                                Michelle Husby presented corrections to the agenda which was approved as amended.

                   MINUTES APPROVAL
                                Minutes of the May 21, 2023, Post Conference Board of Directors meeting we approved
                                as distributed.

                                 Secretary Winans read correspondence asking for recognition of El Monte BPW
                                 member Dr. Estella Torres de Siegrist for her community work to ensure funding
                                 for decent facilities for disabled high school students.  The letter will be filed with
                                 these minutes.

                                  Secretary Katherine read the following Executive Committee Actions:
                                  Approved the appointment of Monique Lee as Young BPW Chair.
                                  The Fall Board of Directors Meeting will be virtual.
                                  Authorized reimbursement to Bessie Hironimus for president’s expenses.
                                  Approved the appointment of Shaaron Casey to the Bill Screening Committee.
                                  Approved the website manager contract renewal with Bev Young.
                                  Set the Fall Board registration fee at $25.
                                  Completed and delivered the bank signatories paperwork to Bank of America.

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