Page 8 - DRAFT PACKAGE - Burbank 23-24 February 2024_Neat
P. 8

CFBPW Program Chair, Marjory Hopper presented a video from Los Angeles County
                               Supervisory Lindsey Horvath.

                          Berkeley member Diane Rames then introduced Teresa Cox, Fremont Vice Mayor,
                               U.S. Dept. of Commerce District Export Council member who shared government
                               programs available to women entrepreneurs in her “Innovation, Equity and Resilience-
                              Strengthening Women in Business in the 21  Century” presentation.

                               New Berkeley member, Vasuki Arumugam, then introduced Manoj Joshi, Yoga Master
                               and Life Coach and his program, Wellness by All Means, who led the group in breathing
                               and stretching exercises useful after a long work day at the computer.

                          NFBPWC International Liaison, Sandy Thompson, provided an update on the program
                          to assist sister BPW members and communities in the Ukraine.  Rosemary Enzer moved
                               that CFBPW donate $200 to the NFBPWC program to send to BPW-International.
                               Motion Carried and Treasurer Anne Marie will be directed to make the donation.

                               Date of Winter Board/Public Policy is February 23-24, 2024, and will be held at the
                               Courtyard by Marriott in Burbank.

                               Deadline for the California Women is January 12, 2024.

                               Downtown Sacramento’s November 14 will explore NFBPWC’s Military Affiliated
                              Women Program with its Chair, Alice Gallop West, presenting.  Noon. Virtual only.
                              Contact Katherine for the flier or check the club’s webpage.

                              Sierra Mar District President Sally McMahon announced the Fall Conference will be
                             Saturday, October 28, 2023.

                              Hollywood President Marjory Hopper announce their November 18 program will
                             recognize Lynn Brandstater with their Susan B. Anthony award.

                              The closing Collect was read by Berkeley BPW Vice President Sharon Braun.

                              After thanking Michelle Husby and Diane Rames for their Zoom hosting President
                   DeSousa adjourned the meeting at 3:45pm.

                  Minutes Recorded                            Minutes distributed on November 20, 2023
                  By Secretary Katherine Winans               Minutes approved on   _________________

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