Page 12 - BPW-UK ANNUAL REVIEW 2022-2023_Neat
P. 12
Reporting mecha- -make effective use of all Ongoing ALL MEETINGS
nisms: available communication HELD BY ZOOM
mechanisms so keeping NIL COSTS IN-
costs to a minimum CURRED
Meetings and consul- -arrange regular meetings of Meetings held on a CROSS OVER
tations: the Working Group to dis- monthly basis.. WITH OTHER
cuss future planning and WORKING
activities GROUPS AIDS EF-
Marketing: -liaise with the Media & Mar- WEBSITE PAGES
keting Working Group for Ongoing DRAFTED & DE-
delivery of any messages to LIVERED TO MM
the membership WORKING
-liaise with the Media & Mar- GROUP:
keting Working Group to JOIN US
ensure consistency of identi- ABOUT BPW UK
ty and branding
-liaise with the Young BPW
Working Group to produce a
new members’ pack
Finance: -liaise with the National National Treasurer CLOSE WORKING
Treasurer before commis- part of the working PRACTICES HAVE
sioning any work required to group. ENABLED DELIV-
enable the Working Group ERABLES
to deliver its priority areas
Achievements to date:
-a close working relationship with the National Treasurer who recommended the annual renew-
al fee to remain at £60 – now implemented; new members will pay £75 for Standard Member-
ship and £35 for Student/Apprentice Membership.
-a PayPal Account is now established and is offered as a way to pay all fees.
-all application forms for both full members and students and apprentices have been stream-
lined; as have all renewal forms.
-a new Member Benefit page has been produced and will form part of a new members’ pack.
-the new initiative ‘Friend of BPW UK’ has now been established and members are asked to
publicise this when they are out and about.
-a close working relationship has been developed with the Media & Marketing Working Group.
We are working on a new members’welcome pack; new pages for the website to make joining
us more user friendly.
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