Page 155 - INSPERIA-School Magazine TIGPSKON 2021.indd
P. 155

care for

                                                             mental health,

                                                              a crucial need



          “Mental health…is not a destination, but a process.  you start to see changes in your overall happiness and
        It’s about how you drive, not where you’re going.”     relationships, there are always ways get the support you
                                            – Noam Shpancer    want. Here are some ways you can get help:

          Mental health is integral to living a healthy, balanced life.   <Connect with other individuals, friends and family.
        It is not merely the absence of mental illness. Our mental
                                                                 <Learn more about mental health.
        health encompasses our psychological, emotional and
        social well-being. This means it impacts how we feel, think   <Talk to a professionals for assistance.
        and behave each day. Being healthy mentally can promote
        productivity and effectiveness in activities like work, school   Children and Teens at Risk
        or caregiving. It plays an important part in the health of
                                                                 Children can experience anxiety, distress, social isolation,
        your relationships, and allows you to adapt to changes in
                                                               and an abusive environment that can have short  or long
        our life and cope with adversity.
                                                               term effects on their mental health.
          Positive mental health allows people to:
                                                                 Common signs of mental health issues or psychological
        ± Realize their full potential                         distress include:

        ± Cope with the stresses of life                         <Unprovoked aggression, engaging in self-harm
                                                               practices, such as cutting oneself,increased sadness,
          ± Work productively                                  depression, or worry

        ± Make meaningful contributions to their communities.    <Difficulty adjusting to social situations and/or new
          In the present situation , when we are going through a
        really tough time for the Covid-19 pandemic , the issue   <Recurrent nightmares, night terrors, and/or sleep
        of mental health is not only relevant but crucial. During   difficulties like insomnia
        this time many people have faced serious challenges to
        their mental health. Along with the health impacts of    <Low grades or a sudden academic decline, difficulties
        the disease, COVID-19 has led to, self and social isolation,   with concentration and attention
        disconnection from family and friends, quarantine and
                                                                 <Constant worry and anxiety, Social withdraw from
        lockdowns on movement resulting in more people than
                                                               activities your child once liked or loved to do
        ever experiencingfeelings of helplessness, isolation, grief,
        anxiety and depression. Issues related to mental health   <A noticeable and/or sudden loss of appetite and/or
        can impact different people in different ways, and that  extreme weight loss
        is  completely fine. There is nothing to be ashamed of. If
                                                                 <Repetitively performing rituals and routines like hand-

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