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washing                                                communities. This service helps people navigate difficult
                                                               life situations.
          <Suicidal ideations (thoughts) or attempts
                                                                 <Counsellors / Mental health professionals perform
          <Spending most of his/her time alone or engaging in
                                                               many services to vulnerable population. They help the
        voluntary social isolation
                                                               parent and child receive the help he/she needs to resolve
          <Changes in, or avoiding, activities that they enjoyed in   his/her issues and resumes a healthy and productive life. It
        the past,                                              is important to understand that children, who are suffering
                                                               from mental health issues or psychological distress, may
          <Alcohol and/or drug use, abuse, or addiction        not share these concerns with their parents.

          <Increased physical complaints, despite a healthy report   <Counsellors are to help children better interpret the
        from a medical professional, Unexpected headaches and   issues they are experiencing and/or the trauma that
        pain throughout their bodies                           occurred – in a way they can process and understand. When
                                                               a child’s social and emotional issues and psychological
          <Changes in eating habits and sleeping habits
                                                               distress are left untreated, it can negatively impact his/her
          <Significant psychiatric conditions could be found  educational aspirations and developmental milestones.
        varying from depression, anxiety, panic attacks, somatic
        symptoms, increased stress and post-traumatic stress
        disorder symptoms, to delirium, psychosis and even       Parents can take some time to talk to their children about
        suicidality, which could be associated with younger age   the COVID 19 outbreak and share some positive facts,
        and increased self-blame. For persons grieving from the   figures, and information. Parents can help to reassure
        traumatic and sudden loss of loved ones from the outbreak,   them that they are safe at home and encourage them to
        the inability to gain closure can result in additional stresses,   engage in some healthy activities including indoor sports
        anger and resentment.                                  and some physical and mental exercises. Parents can also
                                                               develop a home schedule that can help their children to
                                                               keep up with their studies. Parents should show less stress
          Counselling is the most common form of talking therapy  or anxiety at their home as children perceive and feel
        and is available through school-based counselling. There  negative energy from their parents. Eating a healthy diet
        are different types of counselling, those are: Cognitive  is important. Getting a full night of sleep (7-9 hours for
        Behavioural  Therapy (CBT), Behaviour  Therapy,  adults) can improve learning, memory, mood, and heart
        Psychotherapy, Family Therapy etc.                     health, as well as keep your immune system strong. Cook
                                                               a new, healthy recipe. Try a new art project, which has
          Some Common Goals of Counselling
                                                               been especially shown to reduce stress, improve creativity,
          Common goals of Counselling vary, depending on the   decrease anxiety and depression, promote relaxation. The
        child’s and parent’s issue(s). Counselling addresses issues   involvement of parents in healthy activities with their
        in a child’s lives that are significantly impacting his/her   children can help to reduce stress and anxiety and bring
        growth, development, mental health, and well-being.    relief to the overall situation.
        The aim is to help your child learn tools, techniques, and
                                                                 “What mental health need is more sunlight, more
        methods that can better prepare him/her for any challenges
                                                               candor, and more unashamed conversation.”
        he/she faces – now and in the future.
                                                                                                       – Glenn Close.
          Therefore, a common goal of child counselling is helping
        your child successfully cope with challenging situations.

          The Functions of  Counsellors / Mental health                                             Malabika Das
          < Counseling provided by trained professionals can make                                Somali Debnath
        a profound impact on the lives of individuals, families and                            School Counsellors

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