Page 158 - INSPERIA-School Magazine TIGPSKON 2021.indd
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which earned him the Nobel Prize in physics in 1921.
Thus through experiments, the wave-particle duality
of light was established which led to the foundations of
Quantum Mechanics when it was experimentally proved
that electron shows the same duality as light. Another
intriguing experiment that shifted the paradigm of the
universe was the “Michelson-Morley” experiment which
contradicted the existence of “Ether” in our universe.
Looking back in time Archimedes through experiment’s
based on his profound theory of Buoyancy calculated the
mass of gold in his highnesses crown. Using electricity to
separate metals in an ionic solution is used today vastly
in electrorefining processes but its roots are based on the
works of Michael Faraday who is regarded as one of the
greatest experimental physicists. His work also includes
the experiments of electromagnetic induction i.e. inducing
electric currents using time-varying magnetic fields.
pplied physics is the application of physics to solve
scientific or engineering problems. It is usually The field of the application of physics is as vast as it
Aconsidered to be a bridge or a connection between gets. There are millions of examples of applying physics
physics and engineering. in day-to-day life. The basics of engineering are solely
based on the fundamental concepts of physics. And what
“Applied” is distinguished from “pure” by a subtle
holds good in pen and paper always has some significance
combination of factors, such as the motivation and attitude
in the adjoining world. The Realm of physics is huge and
of researchers and the nature of the relationship to the
it gets bigger day by day by more exciting discoveries that
technology or science that may be affected by the work.
reveal the secrets of our very own foundation as well as
Applied physics is rooted in the fundamental truths and
implementing them in day-to-day life to meet our needs.
basic concepts of the physical sciences, but is concerned
The works of Newton in the theory of gravitation has
with the utilization of scientific principles in practical
helped us to launch satellites in earth’s orbit which is
devices and systems, and in the application of physics in
used to forecast weather, used to transfer data from server
other areas of science.
to client, as well as helping the military in their defence
For example, the laws of reflection hold good in pen and as well as the establishment of the International Space
paper-based on the particle theory of light i.e. based on Station. The General Theory of Relativity has helped us to
the work of Sir Isaac Newton. But Experimental Physicist understand the notion of space and time and their unified
Thomas Young proved that light behaved as a wave when it space-time coordinates through which the notion of time
interacts with objects having dimensions nearly equal to its dilation with change in gravity and expansion helped us to
wavelength through his famous “Double Slit Experiment”. estimate the age of the universe. The field of optics helped
And the idea was again challenged by Einstein who Galileo and Newton to design their telescopes which with
on the works of Heinrich Hertz and established the the passage of time improved in quality and today with
experiment of the photoelectric effect and its governing the help of telescopes stargazing is possible, as well as
equation which proved that light was made of particles, capturing the beauty of the far reaches of the universe
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