Page 30 - TheLeekLoserEdition_1
P. 30
President Trump is barnstorming Florida today in hopes of reviving his withering campaign. After a rally in The Villages, a reliable Republicon stronghold, he will head to Pensacola where he may or may not refrain from throwing out disparaging remarks to military personnel and
their families.
At the first stop, Trump yelled at a technician to “turn up the mic,” before shouting, “I want to be with The Village people, everybody. You got a lot of Village people here. So do you love the people that developed it? I think so, right? And I see you driving around in those beautiful golf carts, the most beautiful carts. I wanted to get one. I’m going to get a golf cart like that. That’s why I’m here.”
“Did you hear what the failing fake news said about my good friend, Rudy Giuliani? They said he was lying on a bed being interviewed by a journalist and put his hand down his pants. So what’s with that? C’mon, raise your hands if you’ve ever done it.” Trump raised his hand first and the majority of men and a few women in the audience followed.
“See, everyone does it. Maybe to scratch, maybe to feel good, maybe to rearrange things, maybe to say ‘hello.’ When loser Leslie Stahl asked me about it, I told her that it’s none of anyone’s damn business, including hers. That’s when I ended her ridiculous interview. She’s something else, loser Leslie, I hope you all boycott 60 Minutes. Why didn’t they name it 60 Seconds, that’s all it would take to air their bullshit.”