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...Speaking of which,” Trump continued, “I had a very nice life before doing this, I have to tell you. I didn’t have to do this. I could be playing golf right now at Mar-a-Lago in Florida. I could be at my Bedminster Club eating lunch with MyPillow supporter, Mike Lindell. I could be back on NBC starring in the highest-rated show in the history of television, The Apprentice. But I gave it all up to be the best president this country has ever had. After my tremendous win next week, I will tweet and watch Fox News for you more and better than any president has ever done.
You know it. That’s why you love Trump. Thank-you for coming.” As the audience dispersed, a few agreed to share where they were from.
Allison Mayer, of St. Louis MO said, “We came up last night. We left around 12 and drove straight through. I love his crudeness.”
Kevin Turncoat, of Fort Wayne IN said, “This is my first trip to Minn-IN-so-dah. I’m driving up north tomorrow to see Paul’s Bunyans, just like the president did.”
Fred Armpoker, of Janesville WI had this to say, “Who knew that Minnesota was so close to Wisconsin.”
Donna Devine, of De Kalb IL echoed several other attendees,
“I’ve never been here before. I thought it was up near Alaska with the cold and all. I love, love president Trump. He touched me once and I took a picture of his hand.”
This story will be updated as more Trump supporter stories surface.