Page 56 - TheLeekLoserEdition_1
P. 56
Yesterday, scientists at Stanford University announced that recent Trump rallies produced more than 30,000 confirmed Covid-45 cases and “likely more than 700 deaths.” Today, the U.S. set a world record for Covid-45 cases in 24 hours – 100,233 – exceeding the number of confirmed cases in India on one day in September.
The alarming data have not deterred the president one whit. He continues to crisscross the country, holding large-scale events where he scoffs at social distancing, masks and other public health mitigation measures. His tweeting frequency has also gone into overdrive.
Earlier today, Trump tweeted a video of Trump flag-bearing vehicles trying to run the Biden campaign bus off Interstate 35 between San Antonio and Austin TX. “I LOVE TEXAS!” Trump tweeted along with a music track declaring a “red kingdom.”
Trump campaigned today in Pennsylvania, attacking Biden on a plan to outlaw fracking (false). Trump and Republicons claim that Biden is “mentally enfeebled,” another falsehood that likely came from Stephen Miller, because Trump is often reticent to talk about himself.
Joe Biden and President Barack Obama joined forces today at rallies in Detroit and Flint MI. Obama commented on Trump’s fixation with large crowds, saying, “Does he have nothing better to worry about? Did no one come to his birthday party when he was a kid?”