Page 68 - TheLeekLoserEdition_1
P. 68

An unnamed source close to the president revealed this morning that president Trump has ordered his staff to mount full-scale sabotage
in addition to refusing to cooperate with the Biden transition team because “I am the first president in history who ever refused to
admit defeat. My loss is not real. MAGA!!!”
When asked to outline Trump’s sabotage plans, the source disclosed that they were developed by Rudy Ghouliani and include, but are not limited to:
•Replace the fence Trump built around the White House with a 24-foot-high “beautiful” wall with spikes on top.
•Keep an open schedule to allow Trump time to deal with Melanoma’s post-election prenup demand.
•Golf at least once a day to distract Trump from his unreal loss. •Continue promoting Trump properties to milk maximum revenue from
the federal government.
•Cover all posters and signs bearing the Biden-Harris name in
Washington D.C., northern Virginia and Florida.
•Deny Biden and his staff access to daily intelligence briefings, which
were cancelled three years ago because Trump could not read them. •Dig up the lawn around the White House and destroy everything
planted during the Obama administration.
•Deflate the Goodyear tires on all presidential limousines. •Schedule four Trump rallies per week in red states to refute the
election result and to keep Trump’s base fired up.

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