Page 70 - TheLeekLoserEdition_1
P. 70
Today, vice president Mike Pence cancelled a planned weekend vacation in Sanibel FL. A source close to Pence disclosed that he and his Mother Karen had planned their getaway months ago evidenced by X’s on their calendar counting the days to their departure.
The same source gave conflicting reasons for the abrupt cancellation. The primary reason pushed out is that Pence insisted on holding the president’s hand while Trump sued several states for his unreal loss at the ballot box.
A more believable reason is that Pence and/or Mother Karen have tested positive for Covid-45. At least five people in the vice president’s inner circle have tested positive, including his chief of staff Marc Short. Since virtually no one on the Pence or Trump staff wears a mask or practices social distancing, it is only a matter of time before they all share a Kumbaya experience.
When asked about the vice president’s health, Marc Short coughed repeatedly through his reply, “Vice president Pence...(cough, cough)... and his Mother Karen...(cough, cough, cough)...are in perfect health (cough). They are tested every hour on the hour and remain the picture of health...(cough, cough)...and have been very busy doing the people’s work...(garbled).” Pence’s official schedule has been empty all week.
Pence has not been seen in public since Election Day, and he has only tweeted once on November 5, obediently supporting his boss, “I Stand With President @unrealDonaldTrump. We must count every LEGAL vote.”