Page 71 - TheLeekLoserEdition_1
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Notoriously, the Trump administration can never be relied upon to
tell the truth. The odd confluence of Pence’s disappearance and his vacation cancellation raises questions about the health of the country’s so-called second-in-command. When Marc Short was asked to clarify the incongruity, he declined to respond. So did Mother Karen’s secretary, who added, “I don’t know anyone by that name.”
Pence may be trying to inoculate himself against Trump’s inevitable loss via an “out of sight, out of mind” strategy in the interest of setting the table for a presidential purity ring in 2024. Or, he is simply a Covid-45 coward awaiting divine intervention. Whatever happens, Pence has been exceedingly adept at subsuming his ego in service to his “broad-shouldered” leader, Mighty Donald Dump.
This story will be updated if Mike and Mother Karen Pence are still Covid-free after attending church three times a day.