Page 77 - TheLeekLoserEdition_1
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 A senior administration official speaking on the condition of anonymity to discuss Some Lives Matter disclosed that Trump’s department heads held a top-secret Zoom meeting to discuss how to extricate themselves from their degenerating hellhole. Aside from Alex Azar,
the only other holdouts were Secretary of State Mike “Pompous” Pompeo and Attorney General William “Windbag” Barr, who drink Donald’s Kool-Aid every day.
The group of 20 considered several avenues of protest: resigning en masse, deliberately exposing themselves to Covid-45, going on strike, becoming journalists, contributing one million dollars to the two Democratic Senate run-off candidates in Georgia, or wearing “I really don’t care, do U?” jackets until Trump accepts the election outcome.
The group unanimously agreed that the most effective strategy involved working for the news media. They would immediately seek employment as commentators on CNN and MSNBC. A preliminary inquiry at both networks was not only welcome, but very promising. When the Third Lady learned of the plan and asked to be included, she was denied inclusion in the group.
This story will be updated as hiring results are announced.

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