Page 87 - TheLeekLoserEdition_1
P. 87

 A former Democrat, Ghouliani became a Republicon in the 1980s after he realized the party was a perfect fit for him. His father Harold had served time for a felony in Sing Sing. Upon release, his father became
an “enforcer” for his brother-in-law who was involved in organized crime. Reportedly, Harold was a mean son of a bitch who was idolized by his son Rudy. Young Rudy had dreams of becoming a priest, but decided
to pursue law in the interest of protecting his father from subsequent Sing Sing incarceration.
Ghouliani’s first marriage was annulled because he discovered that he and his first wife were second cousins. Fortuitously, they had no children. His second marriage to television personality Donna Hanover produced
a son and daughter who changed their last name and are Democrats.
His third marriage to Judith Nathan resulted in the acquisition of a stepdaughter and another divorce in 2018. His fourth relationship is
with Maria Ryan, a nurse practitioner, who is being paid $20,000 per
day to attend to his needs.
In court, Ghouliani admitted to the judge that he did not know the meaning of the word, “opacity” – “It probably means you can see, right?”
“It means you can’t,” the judge replied. Ghouliani’s retort, “Big words, Your Honor.”
This story will be updated when Ghouliani learns a few big words.

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