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 July 19, 2020 BREAKING NEWS
In an interview with Fox News’ Chris Wallace today, president Trump gloated over his perfect score on the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA), a simple 10-minute test administered to detect the onset
of dementia.
“The first few questions are easy, but the last five are very hard. The doctors said they had never seen anything like it. I got every question right and a perfect score of 30. They asked how I did it,” Mr. Trump crowed, pointing to his head with both index fingers.
When asked about the test’s animal identification section, Mr. Trump, snapped, “They promised me no dogs, but I got one. I hate dogs.
I had to have the White House fuming-gated after Obama left. It was just horrible what that dog did, horrible, horrible. I had to quarantine for two weeks at my Trump International Hotel, it was that bad.
Just horrible.”
“Moving on, Mr. President, what was the most challenging question for you?” Wallace asked.
“Well, I’ll tell you, Chris, I had to remember a bunch of words, Daughter. Blonde. Bombshell, Ivanka, Lust. I was asked to repeat the words in the correct order, and was asked again a week later. I aced it both times and got extra credit for the right order. So instead of getting an A, which is perfect by the way, I got an A-Plus, which is not only perfect

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