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“fraudulent,” “fixed” and “rigged.” He has already charged that “this election will be the most rigged election in history...and this is gonna be a fraud like you’ve never seen...this is not going to end well.”
As Mr. Trump tweeted bombast into the evening, Congress called an emergency session and voted to change the election date to September 1, 2020. According to an anonymous Republican senator who did not wish to speak on the record, “I never thought I would say this, but Trump finally wore us down. With the new date, we have only 32 days until election day. Our caucus is tired and plain worn out. Let the chips fall where they may.”
October 16, 2020 Update
Congress did indeed vote to change the election date to September 1, but decided that a paper ballot was the fairest way to record its members’ votes. Nancy Pelosi and Mitch McConnell also agreed that the ballots from each body be mailed to them personally as leaders of the House and Senate. Suspiciously, the ballots never reached their destination and were rumored to be “lost” in the mail. As a result, the election reverted to November 3. To this day, the ballots have not been found and finger-pointing continues unabated between Congress and Louis DeJoy, the new U.S. Postmaster General who replaced Megan Brennan who was reportedly pushed out because she resisted Trump’s demands to double the rates it charges Amazon and other companies the president loathes.
Chips – and chits – are still falling.