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September 5, 2020 BREAKING NEWS
Donald Trump Jr. released his self-published book this week, Liberal Privilege: Joe Biden And The Democrats’ Defense of the Indefensible, a fictional account of a swamp monster that acts remarkably like his father-the-president.
Donald Junior’s motivation for writing the book arose from being stuck indoors during, what he calls the China Virus. "I decided to highlight Biden's half century of being a swamp monster, since the media wouldn't do it,” admitting that he had fun writing the story. He also divulged that the RNC had promised to buy massive numbers of books in bulk, eliminating the need for publicity by a major publishing house. The RNC declined to comment when asked how many books it planned to purchase.
Self-publishing is fraught with problems as Donald Junior is learning. Initially, the book’s title contained a typo on the cover, which had to be corrected and reprinted. Subsequently, other typos and grammatical errors were identified. For example, in Chapter 1 alone:
“Privilege” is spelled “privledge” in a book that was clearly not proofread. The word appears at least once on every one of the book’s 319 pages.
The author refers to “fragrant” censorship on social media platforms, instead of “flagrant.”
“Prism” is spelled “prison” in a reference to the lens of the fake news media.