Page 25 - TheLeekCovidEdition_1
P. 25

 “Manufactured crisis” is spelled “Manfractured crisis” in citing a popular accusation attributed to president Trump.
Referring to people slaughtered in Sri Lanka, Donald Junior misspelled the country’s name “Siri Longa.”
On the Trump Organization’s decision to cease international business deals after Trump won the 2016 Electoral College vote, Donald Junior boasts that the decision was made to avoid any impropriety, spelled “improperty.”
Donald Junior discloses that he turned down a very “substantive” (sic) offer from a major publisher to keep his book raw and unfiltered, spelled “unflitered.”
The audio version of the book will be read by Kimberly Guilfoyle, Junior’s girlfriend as an expression of “Love in a time of COVID,” as he put it. This reviewer is eagerly waiting to hear Ms. Kimberly’s reading of the book’s misspelled words and clumsy syntax.
Following the book release announcement, President Trump tweeted, “My son, Donald, just wrote a really important new book, “Liberal Privilege”, talking, with great knowledge, of our world today. Lets (sic) make him a number one bestseller, again!”
This story will be updated when all manuscript errors have been corrected.

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