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P. 27

 Ironically, Trump’s vicious attack on Democrats succinctly described himself and the GOP, “They do disinformation. They make things up, and they make commercials. They make things up. I’ve never seen anything like it. Everything, they make up.” A lone voice called out, “You’re right, we’ve never seen anything like you.”
As usual, the president could not resist pandering to his teensy audience, “You have good genes. You know that, right? You have good genes. A lot of it’s about the genes, isn’t it? Don’t you believe? The resource theory you think was so different? You have good genes in Minnesota.” That’s word-for-word.
According to a member of the White House communications staff, Mr. Trump chose Bemidji because he fell in love with Paul Bunyan when Paul’s surname gave Donald the idea for his bone-spur defense to evade the Vietnam War draft.
Boarding Air Force One after the rally, the president was overheard reprimanding an aide, “For 50 years, I’ve wanted to see Paul’s Bunyons and his babe. Why didn’t you tell me she was an animal? Two strikes, one more and you’re OUT!”
This story is filed in a blank folder at the Beltrami County Historical Society.

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