Page 56 - Tania Chaves
P. 56

The pros of working from home are:
                                                                                                       •Pro: You have flexibility to take care of appointments and errands.

                                                                                                       •Pro: There are fewer interruptions from meetings and chitchat.
                                                                                                       •Pro: There is no commute time or expense.

                                        ONE OF THE HARDEST THINGS                                         Pro: There are fewer interruptions from meetings and

                                       ABOUT COMMITTING TO A 9-TO-5                                       chitchat.
      PRO: YOU HAVE                    DESK JOB IS THAT IT PREVENTS                                       It's easier to get into a flow state of deep work when you're in
       FLEXIBILITY TO               YOU FROM BEING ABLE TO HANDLE                                         your home office without colleagues dropping by and sitting

       TAKE CARE OF                     ALMOST ANYTHING ELSE THAT                                         down impromptu to talk about their weekends. Limiting
      APPOINTMENTS                  COMES UP IN YOUR LIFE, WHETHER                                        unnecessary interruptions from your colleagues and boss is
       AND ERRANDS.                    ATTENDING A ROUTINE DENTIST                                        a big plus of working from home and is one reason why

                                     APPOINTMENT OR PICKING A SICK                                        many remote workers are more productive than office-based

                                     KID UP FROM SCHOOL. WHEN YOU                                         workers. While you may need to dial in for specific meetings,
                                       WORK FROM HOME, WHILE YOU                                          you'll likely get a break from attending several
                                    STILL MUST MEET YOUR DEADLINES                                        others – many of which may be unnecessary to

                                     AND BE AVAILABLE WHEN YOU SAY
                                        YOU WILL BE, YOU GENERALLY                                        your role – that confront staff workers daily.
                                     HAVE WIDER BANDWIDTH TO TEND

                                         TO OTHER RESPONSIBILITIES
                                    WITHOUT JEOPARDIZING YOUR JOB.
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