Page 61 - Tania Chaves
P. 61

Money:                                                          Comfort:

                                                                           •No stressful commutes (average
         •The lack of a common working                                     commute person spends 200 hours                                   •Distractions are a common
         area allows the corporation tom to put                            annually getting to work)                                         occurrence when working from
                                                                                                                                             home, such as kids, pets, TV,
         aside capital for other purposes.                                                                                                   couches, snacks, or any combination
                                                                           •Less noise when working from home/                               of the above.

         •Without the need to commute                                      can also be a lot noise depends on
                                                                           circumstance of the individual.
         to college or work, individuals save                                                                                                •Working from home also requires a
                                                                                                                                             vigilance around device safety.
         money on fuel and lower their carbon                              •Since introduction that people be
         emissions.                                                        able to choose if they want to work                               •Staying focused on work is difficult as
                                                                           from home a lot more people are
                                                                                                                                             many of us are distracted by ongoing
         •The lack of a dress code requires                                interested to be able work from home                              developments in the news, anxiety
                                                                           in the long term and in the future as
         less attention and money spent on                                 they are very comfortable working                                 about the situation, and concern for
                                                                                                                                             loved ones. So, it’s unsurprising that
         clothing items.                                                   from home.                                                        it’s hard to be productive and focus.

         •Countries are already implementing                               •People are happy to be able to work                              •Some people are working longer
                                                                           from home in their comfiest clothes.
         Workers Tax Relief on certain                                     No need to get dressed up for work.                               hours at home, so burnout is
         household necessities such as
         heating and electricity.                                          •Some people can't find motivation                                •Keeping work life and personal life is
                                                                           and do not feel comfortable at
                                                                                                                                             difficult when there’s no real barrier.
         •Being able to cook meals at home                                 home.                                                             between work and home.
         means employers will spend less on                                •Not being judged or bullied when                                 •The lack of interaction that often
         buying lunch and workspaces will no                               working from home as there is no                                  comes with remote work can also be
         longer need canteens.                                             interactions between students or co-                              detrimental to team building.
                                                                                                                                             •Communication with co-workers or
                                                                           •People have set their own scheduled                              clients can easily be misconstrued.
                                                                           time when they work from home

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